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The Best Way to Clean Large Office Spaces

If you are managing a large office space, one of the things for which you will be responsible is keeping it clean. Having a clean work environment is essential to keep employees safe, especially during a viral pandemic, but it also creates a more positive work environment that can help to increase productivity. While cleaning is not inherently complicated, it does need to be done on a regular basis and hiring a commercial cleaning service will help keep your large office not only spotless, it will help reduce exposure to germs since surfaces will be cleaned on a more regular basis.

Here are three areas that must be cleaned regularly in large office spaces

1. Common areas: There are small cleaning jobs that should be performed daily and when you hire a commercial cleaning service this is part of what you can expect. This includes things like vacuuming, dumping garbage cans, and disinfecting surfaces such as doorknobs, counter tops, and other high-touch areas. Entry doors, reception areas, conference rooms and any other areas where people congregate should be cleaned more often than individual workstations.

2. Bathroom: With Covid-19 concerns, cleaning restrooms is a more important task than ever before. Everything should be thoroughly cleaned in commercial office restrooms since there is greater potential for contamination in shared restrooms. In addition to cleaning, a commercial cleaning service will keep toilet paper and paper towels stocked for you.

3. Break room/kitchen: Most large office areas offer some type of break room or kitchen for employees. Faucets, counters refrigerator handles, etc. should be wiped down with disinfectants strong enough to kill most viruses. Weekly cleaning may include cleaning out the refrigerator, cupboards, wiping down microwaves and other areas that tend to become grimy if left unattended.


Other than those areas that should be cleaned every day for elimination of germs, certain areas of your large office space will require weekly cleaning in order to preserve an overall clean appearance and to prevent premature wearing of office furnishings.

Weekly cleaning should include dusting of electronics, windowsills, and low-touch surfaces where dust will settle. Windows should be completely washed, ceilings swept for cobwebs, and perhaps even individual offices and workstations. Weekly office cleaning is the time when commercial cleaning services look for areas that deserve extra attention. It takes extra time but can be performed on the weekend or during times when the office space is not occupied.

It you’re on a tighter budget, it is always possible to have staff engage in some regular cleaning procedures for their individual workstations and ask them to clean up after themselves in break areas but a commercial cleaning service will maintain regularity in your cleaning schedule and ensure areas are cleaned with sanitization in mind, not just making something look clean.


Commercial Cleaning Services Keeps Cleaning Regular

The best way to keep a large office space clean and germ-free is to have it cleaned on a schedule by a commercial cleaning service. By working with your commercial cleaning service, you will ensure that no area of your large office is neglected, and the workplace is safer due to sanitization procedures.

If you need commercial janitorial services for your office building, distribution or manufacturing facility, give Industrial Maintenance Services a call today at + 1 630.377.7103.

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