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How Do I Keep My Employees Safe with COVID-19?

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Workplaces have a duty to keep their employees and customers safe in their commercial buildings. Right now, that includes protecting them from COVID-19 exposure. Typically, this includes sanitization practices, social distancing, and face coverings. The sanitization part of this prevention effort is what makes commercial janitorial services more important than ever.

Keeping Employees Safe with a Sanitization Plan

A key component of keeping employees safe with COVID-19 is ensuring that your company has a sanitization plan. The CDC recommends planning, implementing, and revising the plan as necessary to maintain safety as information emerges about the virus.

Creating a plan includes social distancing and mask wearing policies, but it also includes hand washing and instructions to stay home when sick. A good part of the sanitization plan will revolve around routine cleaning.

Some of this cleaning must occur throughout the day (routine cleaning and disinfecting of high-touch surfaces), but commercial janitorial services can provide deep cleaning solutions between business hours. This ensures that any places that were missed throughout the day are not missed repeatedly.

EPA-Approved Disinfectants

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has compiled a list of disinfectants that are approved to protect against SARS-CoV-2, and these cleaning agents should be used whenever possible to disinfect surfaces.

If you cannot find these products, the CDC recommends using ⅓ cup of bleach mixed with 1 gallon of water. It also says you can use 70% alcohol solutions. If you do not have these items, washing surfaces with a simple soap and water solution is better than doing nothing.

Commercial Janitorial Services Clean Safely

There are many reasons to hire commercial janitorial services including their knowledge and the convenience of hiring out a time-consuming activity. Possibly the biggest reason to consider them is that they clean safely.

There is a risk to using harsh chemicals to disinfect surfaces and sanitize a building. Professionals know how to get it done without exposing themselves to harmful chemicals. They have the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and they know how to do the job effectively and efficiently.

Keeping Employees Safe with COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has many employees concerned for their safety and a one way you can reduce their concerns and keep them safe is by ensuring that your facility is properly cleaned and sanitized.

If you need commercial janitorial services for your office building, distribution or manufacturing facility, give Industrial Maintenance Services a call today at + 1 630.377.7103.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]

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