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Office Cleaning to Prevent COVID-19

When the pandemic began, one of the first things to fly off the grocery store shelves (besides toilet paper) was hand soap and cleaning supplies. In a way, it is comical to consider that we weren’t washing or cleaning effectively beforehand. However, nothing promotes hygiene like the threat of a deadly virus. In any event, it is true that businesses should pay heightened attention to their cleaning habits in order to reduce the risk of illness. There are recommended methods of office cleaning to prevent COVID-19.

CDC Tips On Office Cleaning to Prevent COVID-19

In July, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released recommendations for business stakeholders to consider in regard to cleaning to prevent COVID-19. These recommendations included:

  • Daily surface cleaning with soap followed by disinfectant
  • Frequent disinfecting of high-touch surfaces
  • Regular laundering of materials that need it
  • Soap and water cleaning of porous surfaces such as sofas
  • Wiping or spraying electronics with alcohol solution of at least 70%

The CDC also included cleaning tips and protocols to follow if someone does get sick with the novel coronavirus. The recommendations are not lengthy, but they are difficult to carry out without a plan and a routine.

A Plan and Routine to Prevent COVID-19

The problem with planning for prevention is that it involves a new routine, and people get comfortable in their old routines. That is why a COVID-19 prevention plan needs to be officially scheduled. Employees should be prepped and ready to do the frequent cleaning necessary to prevent illnesses, and supplies should be readily available. They should have gloves available along with trash cans to effectively dispose of the gloves following use. A formal but easy-to-implement plan is the only way to achieve success quickly.

Consider Hiring Professionals 

There’s no getting out of a cleaning plan for high-touch surfaces and other daily cleaning tasks, but you can ease the burden of cleaning routines by hiring commercial cleaning professionals. They can come into the business before, during, or after hours at your convenience, and you can schedule the cleaning to ensure that everything is getting done in a professional standard.

Commercial Cleaning to Meet Your COVID-19 Prevention Needs

Every business has a different risk level and different group of employees that are able to clean the office in different capacities. You may not have an office where it is appropriate to ask them to clean before or after business hours. However, you may be in a position where employees are happy to have the overtime. The point is, you need to have a plan that is realistic and complete in order to have effective prevention of COVID-19. Be honest with yourself about your cleaning plan, and hire out services that you know won’t get performed effectively otherwise.

If you need Covid-19 cleaning for large commercial spaces give IMS a call today at 630.377.7103.

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